Greater Omaha Chamber of Commerce Presents its Annual Economic Outlook Luncheon

The Greater Omaha Chamber of Commerce is focusing its annual Economic Outlook Luncheon on how metro areas function together.

The Economic Outlook Luncheon is Tuesday, December 9th. Shannon McClure, Research Services Manager for the Chamber, says every year the chamber invites business leaders from around the greater Omaha region to attend the luncheon.

McClure says this year’s speaker will be Bruce Katz, vice president of the Brookings Institute.  She says Katz will focus on how metro areas function together and what makes them most successful.

"We also present the findings of survey we do of business leaders around the region. Typically, around the issues they feel are going to be the most important for the next year and how their businesses are planning to tackle those issues.”

The Economic Outlook Luncheon takes place next Tuesday at the CenturyLink Center Omaha, beginning at 11:45 a.m.  Reservations are required to attend.

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