Nebraska Angels, a local 60-member investment network, provided the seed money for EyeVerify along with two Kansas City angel groups.
EyeVerify is a Kansas City-based security biometric technology company that was recently purchased by Ant Financial, an affiliate of the Chinese e-commerce company, Alibaba. Laura Classen, Executive Director of Nebraska Angels, says EyeVerify’s success has validated the Nebraska Angels network in a couple of ways:
“Eye Verify was a wonderful company to have in the portfolio and a huge success for the network and a validation for what we are doing as far as there are huge opportunities out there, especially in the Midwest, for angel investors. And also, it's the first time that we’ve seen validation of our angel process as far as partnering with other groups across the Midwest to provide financing of these companies.”
Half of the companies chosen to compete for the $100,000 award on AOL co-founder Steve Case’s recent Rise of the Rest Lincoln-Omaha event are in the Nebraska Angels portfolio.
For more information about Nebraska Angels, the website is