The Green Home Tour features six new and existing homes that showcase green living techniques

For the 5th year, the Green Omaha Coalitionis offering its Green Home Tour.

The Coalition’s goal is to showcase innovations and strategies residents have used to make their homes more energy efficient and environmentally-friendly. 

Shervin Ansari, Green Home Tour Spokesman, says the tour includes homes throughout the metro area that converge on several different social and economic backgrounds. 

Ansari says everyone can do something to green their own living environments, and everyone should.

"Anything from just getting a low-flow shower head to reduce the amount of water or if you have a faucet that’s dripping, just changing that faucet with a standard, basic faucet will save money in the end.  Light bulbs are another easy, low hanging fruit if you will, for switching to LED’s.”

Ansari says making green choices may cost a bit more, but the value is recouped through a reduction in energy consumption. 

The Green Omaha Tourtakes place Sunday, October 14th and features six local homes. 

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