First Monday Forum focuses on community education, discussion of north Omaha issues

A new monthly forum in north Omaha seeks to bring the community together to discuss important issues.


The First Monday Forum begins July 1. The first forum, this Monday, features Omaha Mayor Jean Stothert as the guest speaker. Preston Love Jr. is the organizer of the First Monday Forums. He says the goals are to educate and spur a community discussion on issues affecting more than just north Omaha.


"And the lack of that is reflected in so many things we do in north Omaha. And one of them is our dismal turnout record. And it's not because of apathy, but it's because, quite frankly, people are operating with not as much information as they should. So those of us that are leaders need to be constantly looking for additional avenues for communication/education as possible."


Love says the Forums are an opportunity to highlight good things happening in north Omaha, such as development at 24th and Lake, and the Ames-Locust project. But he says it's also an opportunity to highlight the continued need for jobs and development in north Omaha.


The First Monday Forum begins at noon at Chef Mike's Community Cafe. That's located at 24th and Lake Streets.

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