UNMC Researchers Study Nicotine Dependence

Researchers at UNMC will study the genetic risk for nicotine dependence thanks to a $40,000 grant.

The grant was funded through tobacco settlement funds and LB 506, also known as the Health Care Cash Fund. 

UNMC researchers want to know how smokers would respond if they knew they had a genetic characteristic that could predispose them to becoming nicotine dependent. 

Julie Houfek, Professor of Nursing at UNMC and lead researcher, says her team hopes the information gained through the study will help smokers decide the best way to quit. 

She says the data may be important in tailoring smoking cessation programs to the individual smoker.

"We would know how people are using the information, whether this helps them to quit, whether they are changing any of their thoughts about what might help them quit and what they might want to try.  We would also know how they understand the information.  How they understand the information is very important to us as we try to develop better materials to really help people use the information in a positive way.”

Houfek says more participants are needed for the study.  For information, the number is 402-559-6549.  

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