Omaha Public Library Will Waive Fines for Food

If you have overdue book fines at the Omaha Public Library, they are offering Food for Fines from Sunday October 15th through Sunday October 22nd

Megan Klein-Hewett, Borrower Services Manager at OPL, says they will waive $2.00 in fines for every item of non-expired non-perishable food -- up to a maximum of $20.00 in fines.  She says a fine of $10.00 or more makes patrons ineligible to check out books.  With this program the library hopes to help a lot of people regain their check-out privileges – while at the same time assisting others.

“We do have quite a few patrons who owe $20.00 or more, so I think it will be a big help to those patrons.  We really are just trying to get folks back in the building, and if they have very long overdue items that have been billed to them, we really hope that they can bring those materials back and then get those fines waived from having those items out for so long.”           

Klein-Hewitt says they are working with Alliance for a Better Omaha, a non-profit 

which focuses on food security and affordable housing in the city.

She says the Alliance’s priority food list includes items like canned tuna or chicken, canned fruits, baby food and low-sugar cereals. 

Donations can be taken to any library branch, along with your library card or a photo ID so that your account can be accessed and fines waived.

For more information the website is

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