As KIOS grows, updating our facilities and equipment, many of you have contacted us with your concerns about technical issues in our broadcasts. We really do appreciate all of the feedback you’ve provided as well as the fact that this lets us know that you, the KIOS community, are invested in what you hear.
While this process of renovation and update continues, we are working hard to make sure there are as few interruptions as possible. This transition can be a challenge as new issues present themselves sometimes where we least expect them. We thank you for all of the patience you’ve shown so far, and apologize for the interruptions and other problems you may have encountered. We ask that you hang in there while we work to eliminate the bugs we’re coming across.
Once the whole process is complete, we believe you’ll be even more proud of your public radio home. Our improved facilities will give us a greater ability to fulfill our mission: to provide Omaha with in-depth news, amazing music, and enriching entertainment for a long time to come.
Thank you all again for your patience, and keep your feedback coming!
Todd Hatton
Program Director