Dr. Pete Madsen, Professor of Music/Coordinator of Jazz Studies/Trombone Teacher at University of Nebraska at Omaha and Andy Cassano, Omaha Performing Arts Vice President for Programming and Education, joined Jazz in the Afternoon host Chris Cooke for a live on-air interview on February 15th. The subject was the upcoming University of Nebraska at Omaha Jazz Festival on February 23rd and 24th.
Click on the link to listen to the interview.
(Recording engineer: Chris Cooke/KIOS.)
On February 23rd, the following Jazz festival performances will take place on the UNO Campus (Admission is free and open to the public):
10:00am UNO Faculty Jazz Combo in Milo Bail Student Center Ballroom
12:00pm UNO Jazz I with Jose Valentino in Strauss Concert Hall
1:30pm Big Bad Bones featuring Andre Hayward in Milo Bail Student Center Ballroom
2:30pm Rhythm Section Masterclass presented by Dana Murray and North Omaha Music and Arts in Milo Bail Student Center Ballroom
3:30pm UNO Jazz Combo I
For more information about the festival you may visit www.unomaha.edu/college-of-communication-fine-arts-and-media/music/community-engagement/jazz-festival.php