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Riding the ORBT with Omaha Metro

Metro's Omaha Rapid Bus Transit (ORBT) is the city's rapid transportation service connecting east and west Omaha along 8.2 miles of Dodge Street between downtown and the transit center at Westroads Mall. Ride along with us on the ORBT as we see what it is about.

Thank you to Nicole Ebat and Annie Pigaga for speaking to me on behalf of Omaha Metro, and to Topher Booth for sharing his experience as a first time ORBT rider.

David started in broadcasting at his hometown radio station in Holdrege, Nebraska while still in high school. He went on to earn journalism and law degrees from the University of Nebraska at Lincoln and has worked for a number of radio and television stations around the United States. He is a big advocate for community media and loves being a part of the local fabric of NPR. He also has a cat.