The holiday season is always demanding on the blood supply and this year is no different. Traffic accidents and other crisis drain the supply and…
DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — Iowa State Treasurer Michael Fitzgerald has returned more than $12,000 to the American Red Cross — one of thousands to see…
(Lincoln, NE) -- A popular comedian is promising to donate all of the proceeds from his upcoming show in Lincoln to the American Red Cross to help flood…
The American Red Cross is opening four additional shelters in the Omaha-Council Bluffs metro area to assist those who have been displaced from their homes…
(Update on Red Cross Donation Contact Information)OMAHA, Neb. -- Thousands of people in Nebraska and Iowa are in need of assistance as flooding displaces…
The American Red Cross has unveiled the Missing Types campaign to encourage new blood donors. As part of the campaign, the letters A, B, and O (letters…
The American Red Cross Omaha/Council Bluffs Metro chapter is seeking nominations for “unsung heroes.” Communications and Marketing Program Director,…