Riverside ChatsIn this episode, Michael Griffin is in conversation with Marcos Eduardo Mora Barrientos, executive director of Casa de la Cultura, the organization behind Omaha’s annual Cinco de Mayo celebration.
Interview with Marcos Mora about Cinco De Mayo
Interview With Marcos Mora About Omaha's Largest Cinco de Mayo Festival
This year marks the 100th Anniversary of the Omaha Cinco de Mayo celebration that will take place May 8-10, 2020 on historic South 24th Street that has…
Omaha Cinco de Mayo Festival Kicks Off Thursday, Coordinator Marcos Mora Stops By KIOS-FM to PreviewThe 99th Omaha Cinco de Mayo Festival starts on May 2nd and runs through May 5th. The festival is held along historic South 24th Street & Plaza de la Raza…
Marcos Mora, coordinator of the Cinco De Mayo festivities in Omaha stops by the KIOS-FM studios for a chat with Mike Hogan about the history behind the…