One Iowa at Pride Event in Omaha

Pride Month celebrates the LGBT community and the progress the community has made towards full equality.  Omaha is the site of the Heartland Pride event on June 30th.  

Staff and volunteers from One Iowa will have a booth at the event.  Communications Director Molly Tafoya says the group will share information and talk with attendees about the impact the organization has had on equality issues.  She says one of the things that makes Iowa so unique is their leadership in the movement for LGBT equality in the Midwest.

"We have been celebrating marriage equality in the state since 2009.  And we have a safe schools law that protects all children who deserve to go to school and feel safe and protected.  We also have some pretty comprehensive protections built into our civil rights code.  Iowa is a great state to be in if you are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender.”

Tafoya says the organization decided to attend the Omaha event because they already work so closely with allies and supporters in Council Bluffs.  Details on June 30th’s Heartland Pride event are available online at

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