Where are Nebraskans Moving?

Where are Nebraskans Moving? is the second of six policy briefs planned by the Platte Institute for Economic Research for their report, Removing Barriers in Nebraska.

Sarah Curry, Policy Director for the Institute, says income data from the U.S. Census Bureau shows that between 1992 and 2014 Nebraska lost roughly $3 billion as a result of outward migration.

She says this section of the report identifies five states as our strongest competitors when it comes to losing people and income, and these are Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Iowa and Texas.     

“And so, in our subsequent briefs, we are going to explore those states a bit further and see, how do we compare as far as fiscal policy, how do we compare in regulatory policy, how do we compare in education policy.  Are there things that these states have that are more attractive to citizens, causing them to leave Nebraska, or are there things that Nebraska is doing better than these states.  So, really we are going to focus on our competition with those five states and we are going to discuss that in more detail in the future.”

Parts One and Two of the Removing Barriers in Nebraska report can be found at the website: PlatteInstitute.org/GoodLife

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