Since 1938, Inclusive Communities has served Nebraska, Iowa, and the region by directing efforts in the areas of youth; community and workplace human relations; and leadership programming to achieve the mission of confronting prejudice, bigotry and discrimination through educational programs that raise awareness, foster leadership and encourage advocacy for a just and inclusive society.
You can end the Thanksgiving weekend with laughter and fun at "FriendsGiving," Inclusive Communities’ third annual friend-raiser. Executive Director, Maggie Wood, and Senior Program Partner of Volunteer Initiatives, Tena Hahn, stop by the KIOS-FM studios to chat with Mike Hogan "Live & Local" about the mission of the organization, how they actually take action against bigotry, and give more details on this casual fundraiser on Sunday, December 1 from Noon-2:30pm at The Slowdown featuring Omaha native Amber Ruffin.
More information can be found at
NOTE: The audio from this interview was initially lost. The attached audio is the recovered version, and while audible, is not the quality of audio to which our listeners have become accustomed.