uBEATS is a FREE health science/science/career exploration e-module series available to all 6th – 12th grade students in the state and beyond. There have been over 85,000-lifetime enrollments in the program and there are already over 28,000 this year.
Deanna Ingram, Education Specialist at UNMC for the uBEATS program and Zuzi Greiner, Instructional Technologist, joined Mike Hogan on “Live & Local” to explain this program. The UNO & UNMC Building Excellence in Academics Through STEM (uBEATS) is series of cancer, genetics, microbiology and pathology, pharmacology, public health, academic success and health care career modules. uBEATS is designed for grades 6 – 12 as a companion resource to their core curriculum, providing information on top of what students learn in class. Educators can choose from 90+ Modules in 7 Categories: Cancer, Genetics, Pathology and microbiology, Pharmacology, Public health, Careers in health care, and Academic success.
Educators can find information on this e-module series at the website https://www.unmc.edu/elearning/ubeats/index.html.