OPS Board Introduces Second Superintendent Finalist, Dr. Jane Stavem

At an afternoon press conference yesterday, Lacey Merica, President of the OPS Board of Education, introduced Dr. Jane Stavem, the second of three finalists for the next OPS Superintendent. 

The current Superintendent, Dr. Mark Evans, will retire at the end of this school year.

Stavem is currently the Associate Superintendent for Instruction for the Lincoln Public. She says her career experiences have helped her build her leadership skills and learn what it takes to “have the courage to be a leader and to listen to the needs of the District to continue moving things forward for the students.”

When asked how she would prevent the type of transportation problems OPS has experienced this year, Stavem said she would have a plan in place before the school year starts that would provide assurance to the community.

“I also think one of the challenges that goes with that is the shortage of school bus drivers that communities are facing, and my current district is no different in that respect – and making sure that we are working hard with that contractor so that they’re prepared and that there is continual communication around what that plan means for the fall and that things are ready to go.”

As far as what other challenges OPS faces, Stavem said in her discussions with community members, student discipline and achievement have come up – both of which she feels her background has prepared her well to deal with.  But she says it would take being in the position to learn the “intricacies” of these issues.

“I can see what is in the strategic plan, I can read what’s on the website, but until you can really visit schools and talk deeply with teachers and with administrators; I would look forward to finding out what they think are the next steps and what’s important to them moving forward, but keeping some of the momentum going that has already been put in place.  I think it is exciting to see what has happened, and I think there is a lot still to come in setting things in a good direction for kids.”

Listen to Omaha Public Radio tomorrow, when we will bring you third finalist for OPS Superintendent. 

For information on the meet-and-greet schedule, see superintendentsearch.ops.org  

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