Interview with KIOS-FM Station Manager Ken Dudzik
KIOS-FM Fund Drive is Underway...Here's How You Can Do Your Part!
Interview about this weekend's Open Omaha event with Maria Brady
KIOS Antenna & Transmitter Fix Underway; NPR Moved KIOS.Org Website to New Servers
This Thursday from 7am - 7pm, Omaha Public Radio, is hosting a ONE DAY FUNDRAISER. For the last 50 years, we have provided you with the news, music and…
The latest "Benefit of the Month" has just been posted! In addition to all of the great year-round offers (found here), KIOS MemberCard holders can take…
Do you use NPR’s mobile apps? Join us at noon on February 13 for a design exercise to help shape what the NPR mobile team is building next (and, get a…
In addition to all of the great year-round offers (found here), KIOS MemberCard holders can take advantage of special bonus benefits each month. You can…
Barbara Naughtin is KIOS's Membership Director. She has over twenty years of sales and relationship building experience in both the corporate and…