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Off the Shelf

Off the Shelf is a weekly update on the news and events taking place at the Omaha Public Library. Locally produced at KIOS by David Koesters, it can be heard Mondays at 8:44am during Morning Edition, and again at 4:44pm on All Things Considered.

Latest Episodes
  • Adventure starts at the library with OPL’s Legends and Libraries, a D&D club. This monthly program for teens ages 13-18 takes place every second Saturday from 1-4pm at the Millard Library Branch. Come learn what D&D is all about. Players of all experience levels are welcome! Also, Claire Saathoff tells us about the book Bright Sword by Lev Grossman.
  • October is Family History Month and the Omaha Public Library has programs to help explore your family history and inspire your creativity. Plus, Angela Fernandez tells us about the book Stone Blind by Natalie Haynes.
  • Celebrate Banned Books Week by checking out some of the most frequently challenged library books and the diverse perspectives they offer.
  • Children are invited to a tea party based on the picture book "Tea Rex" by Molly Idle. Refreshments will be served and tea will be hosted by a Tea Rex wrangler. Bring your favorite stuffed or plastic dinosaur friends to enjoy the party. Plus David Dick tells us about Cuckoo by Gretchen Felker-Martin.
  • Take part in out and about silent reading parties every second Thursday of the month. These nontraditional book clubs will be held in various locations throughout Omaha where participants read whatever they want to bring, and then may share and discuss what they read with other attendees. Also, Claire Saathoff tells us about the book Library of Borrowed Hearts by Lucy Gilmore.
  • September is National Library Card Sign-up Month. Celebrate by getting yours and unlocking the resources available through the Omaha Public Library. Also, Holly Pelesky shares the book The Office of Historical Corrections by Danielle Evans.
  • Join OPL for a fun, loose, mildly competitive storytelling event for adults! Presenters share a 5-8 minute original story with the crowd. You can tell your own story, or just come to listen and cheer on the storytellers. Judges will be chosen from the audience and prizes will be awarded to the best tale. Three events are taking place and each follows a different theme. Storytellers are encouraged to register prior to the event. Plus, Angela Fernandez joins us to tell us about King Leopold's Ghost by Adam Hochschild.
  • Celebrate International Dot Day with storytimes and activities based on the book The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds. After storytime, participants will be invited to explore a variety of art mediums as they create their own dot. All supplies included. Plus, Bethany tells us about the book Mary Jane by Jessica Anya Blau.
  • LearningExpress Library is an online test prep resource that helps people improve their core academic skills, earn a high school equivalency, prepare for college, join the military, obtain occupational certification, change careers, become a U.S. citizen, and much more. Also, Holly Pelesky tells us about the book Mostly Dead Things by Kristin Arnett.
  • The Omaha Public Library Foundation is holding its annual fundraiser event on Wednesday, September 18th, at 7pm. The Foundation advocates and raises funds to support Omaha Public Library programs and services.