Riverside ChatsSean Kelly is a candidate for Douglas County Commissioner, District 5 against Brian Fahey.
Riverside ChatsIn this episode, Roger Garcia is in conversation with Michael Griffin are talking about what exactly a county commissioner does, how Garcia's family background influences his policy, and how to increase civic engagement among youth and immigrants.
Audit Reveals Massive Mismanagement From County Treasurer's Office
The Douglas County board has approved spending $1.85 million in federal coronavirus relief funding to buy a mobile command center for the sheriff's…
The Omaha City Council and Douglas County Board are calling for voters to decide if affirmative action should return to Nebraska. Both the council and…
Douglas County officials are providing residents with financial help. The county board voted yesterday to set aside four-million-dollars in CARES Act…
A recount confirms Mike Boyle is the winner of the Douglas County Board primary election. The recount happened this morning because competitors Roger…