Interview with KIOS-FM Station Manager Ken Dudzik
KIOS-FM Fund Drive is Underway...Here's How You Can Do Your Part!
Interview about this weekend's Open Omaha event with Maria Brady
In addition to all of the great year-round offers (found here), KIOS MemberCard holders can take advantage of special bonus benefits each month. You can…
As part of ongoing maintenance and upgrades here at the KIOS studios, the station may be off the air and offline briefly. This January 7th and 8th, KIOS…
Thank you so much for your participation in our one-day pledge drive! Because of you, we were able to hit our goal of 150 pledges. You have really helped…
KIOS, 91.5 FM is proud to announce our new toll-free telephone number. Now listeners and members can call toll-free from across the country at…
As part of its 50th anniversary celebration, KIOS had the privilege of hosting renowned NPR journalist and former All Things Considered host Susan…