Interview with Child Saving Institute's Family Empowerment Outreach and Training Specialist Meka Tate
Interview with the President and CEO of the Child Saving Institute Jaymes Sime
Meatpackers' Cleaning Service Losing Business Following Investigation
A whistleblower says a cash-strapped Kansas foster care contractor spent $80,000 on tickets to see the Chicago Cubs, a club owned by the Nebraska…
(Omaha, NE) -- April is Child Abuse Awareness Month. In 2017 the state says there were over 35-thousand total referrals for child abuse with 13-thousand…
A new report says families who want access to high-quality child care in Nebraska may be out of luck depending on where they live or how much they make.…
Winter weather is on the way, so Omaha Public Schools is working to ensure every child has the hats, gloves and scarves they may need to come to school on…
(Omaha, NE) -- The Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services is turning to a Kansas company to handle child welfare cases in the Omaha area. State…
(Omaha, NE) -- Among the new laws going into effect in Nebraska is one focusing on child passenger safety. Beginning New Year's Day, children up to age…