Timothy Schaffert discusses his journey as an author and his new novel, "The Perfume Thief." "A Gentleman in Moscow" meets "Moulin Rouge" in this stylish, sexy page-turner about Clementine, a queer American expat and notorious thief of rare scents. Clementine has retired to Paris only to return to her old tricks in hopes of protecting the city she loves when the Nazis invade. "The Perfume Thief" is available now wherever you get books.
Riverside Chats is a series of conversations that explore the culture of Omaha and aims to tell the stories of the interesting people active in the city. Featured guests include artists, musicians, comedians, filmmakers, politicians, business owners, and more.Riverside Chats is produced at KIOS Omaha Public Radio. Listen on 91.5 FM on Mondays at noon! The show is always available on all your favorite audio streaming apps. If you are interested in being a featured guest on Riverside Chats and have some kind of project, business, issue, or local connection you would be interested in discussing, email us at courtney.bierman@ops.org.
Author Timothy Schaffert on New Release 'The Perfume Thief'
